what we do
Energy that Powers the Future
we provide the clean, renewable energy that drives global progress. Our mission is simple: to create energy solutions that not only fuel today’s world but also protect the future.
lower carbon solutions
carbon capture and storage
we understand that tackling climate change requires more than just transitioning to renewable energy sources; it also demands innovative solutions to reduce the carbon emissions already in the atmosphere.

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The world’s largest offshore wind farm produces its first power
A project described as the “world’s largest offshore wind farm” took a major step forward over the weekend after producing its first power. Located off the coast of

Finland will soon bury nuclear waste in a geological tomb that’s built to last for 100,000 years
Finland is on the cusp of burying spent nuclear fuel in the world’s first geological tomb, where it will be stored for 100,000 years. The

Why thermal batteries could replace lithium-ion batteries for energy storage
Thermal batteries could transform renewable energy storage and provide a cheaper and scalable alternative to lithium-ion technology. “Intermittent wind and solar power are becoming the